FAQ for How to place an order?

Shopping on Element Jeans Co. is easy

  1. Click ADD TO CART on the product that you want to order.
  2. If you want to order more products then Click on CONTINUE SHOPPING and continue shopping for more products
  3. If you do not want order more products then click on CHECK OUT
  4. Fill in your contact details & shipping address.
  5. Select preferred payment option and click on PLACE ORDER.

How do I pay on Element Jeans Co.?

We have the following payment methods through which you can make a payment:

  1. Credit or Debit Card issued by Visa or Master Card
  2. Cash On Delivery (easy and simple at your doorstep) – (Only Valid in Pakistan)

 How do I return my product?

 Step 1: Start the Easy & Fast Return

  1. Option 1: Go to www.elementjeans.com/contactus – send us an email with the details of the reason of the return and our customer service representative will get in touch with you and guide you how to go about it.
  2. Option 2: Call us at +9221-35879567 and speak to our customer service representative about the product that you want to return.

Step 2: Pack your product

  1. Pack your product according to the return conditions
  2. Include all tags, accessories or free gifts you received

Step 3: Return your product

  1. Please ship the good back to us using a reliable courier service at the following address:

Suite 406, Marine Point, DC-1/9, Clifton, Karachi-75600 Pakistan.

Are there any hidden charges?

There are no hidden costs or charges when you order from Element Jeans Co. All costs are 100% visible at the end of the checkout process.